
Safety Rules & Range Regulations

The name of this educational and social organization shall be THE BLUE RIDGE SHOOTERS’ CLUB, INC., a

non-stock, nonprofit corporation under the provisions of Chapter 2 of Title 13.1 of the Code of the Commonwealth of

Virginia, which shall function as, and adopt the by-laws for, a shooting club,

(hereinafter referred to as “the BRSC” or “the Club”).

The purpose or purposes for which the corporation is organized are to promote and encourage the responsible

use of firearms, sportsmanship, hunter and gun safety, and to conduct any lawful affairs for which corporations

may be incorporated under the Virginia Non-Stock Corporation Act.

Objectives of the BRSC shall be to encourage firearms education and training and the organized shooting of firearms

among its members and their guest, with a view toward a better knowledge on the part of such persons of the safe

handling and proper care of firearms, as well as improved marksmanship. The Club shall pursue these objectives in

accordance with the purposes and objectives of the National Rifle Association of America (“NRA”), and the Civilian Marksmanship Program (“CMP”) of the corporation for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and Firearms Safety, Inc. The

BRSC will also encourage training in the use of firearms for sport as an essential contribution to national security, for

personal defense and as a bulwark of individual liberty.

The BRSC shall maintain affiliation with the NRA and CMP and shall own and operate a sport shooting range. A sport

shooting range as defined under Virginia law is an area or structure designed for the use of rifles, shotguns, pistols,

silhouettes, skeet, trap, black powder, or any other similar sport.

(A) Any individual eighteen (18) years of age or older may become a member of the BRSC, provided a vacancy

exists, on vote of those Club members in good standing and officers present at any Regular or Special meeting

of the Club (so long as such Special Meeting has been properly noticed for such action).  Membership in the BRSC

shall not be restricted in any way by an applicant’s race, religion, sex, or country of origin.

Membership is contingent on completion of the following actions by the applicant:

  • Have the applicant attend one of our Monthly Membership Meetings

(so he/she can get to know some members & see our facility). 

A New Member Application is not submitted at this time.

  • The applicant must have one or more current members in good standing sponsor the applicant either in

person or with a letter of recommendation prior to the applicant submitting an application.

  • Have the applicant complete a New Membership application and submit it via mail or present it to a Club

Officer at one of the Monthly Membership Meetings.

  • Applicant attends a second Monthly Membership Meeting where the membership present

will vote whether to accept the applicant.

  • If accepted, the applicant attends a safety and range orientation prior to receiving access to the range,

including a review of the Club Rules and Regulations.

  • Applicant agrees to be bound by the applicable Club Rules & Regulations.

  • Applicant pays Annual Club Dues, plus an Administrative Fee and puts down a deposit for one or two FOBs.

  • Applicant receives his/her credentials.

(B) The Club’s Board of Directors shall from time to time set the amount of the Annual Club Dues that

each Member must pay no later than November 30th of each year in order to maintain Club Membership. 

The Dues must be in the possession of the Club Treasurer no later than November 30th.  No member of the

club whose Dues have not been paid by November 30th shall continue to be a member of the Club.  Anyone

with such an expired membership wishing once again to become a member of the Club must file a New Member

Application and that application will be treated in accordance with the procedures set out in the Article 3. 

(C) The Board of Directors may fix a maximum membership level to be subject to approval by the general

membership either at a Regular Scheduled Meeting or a Special Meeting.  A majority vote of the members in

attendance shall be required to adopt a maximum membership level.  If a maximum membership level is reached

the Board of Directors shall suspend the acceptance of membership applications and process further applications in

the following manner.  Each application shall be placed in a pool of pending applications with priority assigned to

the date the application was first received by the Club Secretary.  When a vacancy occurs in the Club Membership,

applications will be considered in the order of that priority.  The priority will be followed regardless of whether one

or more of the pending applications is from a former member or members.

All members, directors and officers of the Club shall be members of the National Rifle Association of America (“NRA”).  

Any such member, director or officer who is not an NRA member shall not be a member in good standing.

(a)     Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting of the BRSC shall be held on the first Sunday of January in each year

and Club officers and directors shall be elected at the Annual Meeting. If the Annual Meeting does not take place at

the time fixed, it shall be held within a reasonable time thereafter. Notice of the time, place and matters to be covered

at the Annual Meeting shall be given in writing, either by electronic mail, if the member has provided the club an

electronic mail address or United States mail, to all Club members in good standing not less than seven days prior

to the Annual Meeting.  It is the responsibility of the member to provide the Secretary correct addresses,

either for electronic mail or for United States mail or both.

(b)    Regular Meetings. The regular business meetings of the club for the transaction of ordinary business shall be

held on the first Sunday of each month at 2:00 PM in the BRSC Clubhouse at the Club range at 2780 South River

Road or at another suitable meeting place providing that notice of the meeting place change is given to members

at least seven days prior to the meeting.

(c)     Special Meetings. A special meeting of the Club may be held at any time upon the call of the President, or

upon the call of the Board of Directors, or upon the demand, in writing, stating the object of the proposed meeting,

and signed by not less than 20% of the Club members then in good standing. Notice of the time, place,

and subject of the meeting shall be given all Club officers and Board members and Club members in

good standing in writing, either by electronic mail or United States mail not less than seven days prior to the date

fixed for the holding of the meeting. The place of any such special meetings shall be the BRSC Clubhouse at the

Club range at 2780 South River Road or such other place as shall be designated by the Board of Directors.

(d)    Quorum. Ten percent (10%) of the club members in good standing shall constitute a quorum at any meeting

for the purpose of the conduct of Club business except for meetings regarding the sale or encumbrance of club

property, where a quorum of one third (33 1/3%) of the Club members in good standing shall be required.

(a)     The officers of the Club shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary (optional),

Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer (optional) , who, together with three (3) members elected from the membership

(Members at Large), shall constitute the Board of Directors of the Club. They shall be elected by a majority vote of the

members in good standing at the annual meeting of the Club. They shall hold office for one year or, if the annual meeting

is not held on the date provided in Article 5(a) above, until their successors have been elected.   Officers of the Club

(President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer) must be members in good standing for at least two full years while

Members at Large need only one full year to be considered.

(b)    The Board of Directors shall have general supervision and control of all the activities of the Club, and in furtherance

of these responsibilities may take whatever actions and promulgate whatever rules and regulations and form and/or appoint whatever committees they in their best judgment find to be necessary to achieve the objectives of the Club, to include

making agreements with other organizations and individuals, whether or not such agreements involve expenditures of

Club funds or encumbrance of Club assets.

(c)     Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held either in conjunction with the regular business meetings of the

Club or as regularly scheduled separate meetings.

(d)    Decisions of the Board of Directors shall be made by majority vote. Five (5) members shall constitute a Quorum

of the Board of Directors, and a majority vote of the Quorum shall be sufficient to approve action respecting Club business, except that for any action resulting in expenditure of Club funds greater than the amount of $1,000 for non-budgeted items,

or encumbrance of Club assets, a vote of the full Board of Directors shall be required.

(e)     Resignation of any officer or director may be accepted by the remaining members of the Board at any meeting of the

Club or the Board. If an officer or director is absent without legitimate excuse from three consecutive meetings of the Board

that position shall be declared vacant.

(f)     A vacancy in the Board of Directors shall be filled by a vote of the remaining members of the Board. However, if more

than two vacancies exist, a special meeting of the Club shall be called and new officers shall be elected to fill the vacancies

until the date of the next annual meeting. 

(a)     President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club, and the Board of Directors. The president shall

be a member ex officio of all regular and special committees of the club and shall perform such other duties required by

the office.

(b)    Vice-President. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of, or at the request of,

the President, and as requested by the President shall assist in performance of the duties of the office of President.

(c)     Secretary. The Secretary shall perform or cause to be performed all activities necessary, including maintaining an

up-to-date membership roll, processing of NRA renewals, the preparation and forwarding of reports, required of the Club

by the National Rifle Association and the civilian Marksmanship Program, and shall also be responsible for re-affiliating the

Club annually with the National Rifle Association and the Civilian Marksmanship Program. The Secretary shall notify the

Board of Directors, and Club members in good standing of the annual meeting, any special meetings, and all regular meetings

of the Club. The Secretary shall keep a true record of all meetings of the Board of Directors, and the Club and shall have

custody of the books and papers of the Club, except the Treasurer’s book of accounts. The Secretary shall present a membership report at the annual meeting. All applications for membership in the Club shall be made to the Secretary who

shall provide the President and Board of Directors all information necessary for an applicant’s membership consideration.

(d)    Assistant Secretary (if activated). The Assistant Secretary shall perform the duties of the Secretary in the absence of,

or at the request of, the Secretary, and as requested by the Secretary shall assist in performance of the duties of the office

of Secretary

(e)     Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds of the Club and will place the same in such bank or banks as

may be approved by the Board. Such monies shall be withdrawn by a check or other electronic funds transfer methods for

the payment of all regular expenses incurred by the Club. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of all dues

and fees. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all Club financial transactions and shall render a detailed report

with vouchers at any meeting of the Board of Directors when requested and shall present an annual financial report to the

Club at the annual meeting.

(f)     Assistant Treasurer (if activated). The Assistant Treasurer shall perform the duties of the Treasurer in the absence of,

or at the request of, the Treasurer, and as requested by the Treasurer shall assist in performance of the duties of the office

of Treasurer.

(a)     No BRSC officer or director may be removed or suspended except by a two-thirds vote of Club members in good

standing present at a special meeting called specifically for the purpose. No such meeting may be held unless fifteen days’

notice in writing is given to the officer or director of the reasons for the proposed removal or suspension, to include the time

and place of the special meeting at which such ballot on the officer’s or director’s removal or suspension is to be taken.

At such meeting the officer or director shall be given a full hearing.

(b)    Any Club member may be suspended or expelled from the Club for any cause deemed sufficient by the Board of

Directors by a majority affirmative vote of the Board at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors. No vote

on suspension or expulsion may be taken unless at least fifteen days’ notice in writing has been given to the Club member

of the charges preferred and of the time and place of the meeting of the Board of Directors at which such charges shall

be considered. At such meeting the member under charges will be accorded a full hearing.

(c)     Charges against any officer or member of the Club seeking disciplinary action, including expulsion or suspension,

may be offered by any Club member in good standing. Such charges shall be in writing, and clearly state the facts relied

upon for their support. The charges must be accompanied by any affidavits, exhibits or any other evidence to be used in

support. Such charges shall be filed with the Secretary, who will immediately notify the President. The President will call

a meeting of the Board of Directors to hear the charges. The secretary will give at least fifteen days’ notice in writing of the meeting to each member of the Board and to the accuser and the accused, which notice will be in writing and will include a

copy of the charges as filed and any supporting affidavits, exhibits or other supporting evidence.

(d)    Any member suspended or expelled by the Board of Directors may appeal to the full membership of the Club. Such

appeal shall be made in writing and filed with the Secretary who will notify the President. The President will call a special

meeting of the Club for the purpose of acting on the appeal. The Secretary shall give at least fifteen days notice in writing

to all Club members in good standing, stating the date, time and reason for such special meeting. At such meeting the

Secretary will read the filed charges as well as any supporting affidavits, will read or display the accompanying exhibits,

and will read the minutes of the special meeting of the Board of Directors at which the charges were heard and action taken.

A full hearing will be given to both accuser and accused. A vote by ballot of the Club members in good standing present

will be taken and a two-thirds vote will be required to reverse the action of the Board.

All formal firearms competitions held by the Club will be governed by the rules and regulations established by the

sanctioning body for such competition(s). However, the Club’s Match Director for any event is permitted to make certain

changes in the events so long as there is no compromise of any safety regulation or requirement.


The Board of directors shall adopt, publish and maintain a set of Rules and Regulations which all members and their

guests must abide by. These rules shall be appended to the bylaws and provided to all members and prospective

applicants. Copies of the Rules and Regulations shall be posted in the clubhouse and at the various shooting ranges.

Guests & Family Members (hereby know as Guests) must be accompanied by a Member in good standing of the BRSC

while on Club Property.  Guest and Family Membership Fees will be set by the Board of Directors based upon Safety

and Financial Obligations.  Guests and family members will be considered non-voting members of the club.  The Member

in good standing is responsible, accountable and liabel for the actions of any Guests while on Club Property.  Guests &

Family Members must abide by all Club Rules and Regulations.  New Members may not bring Guests or Family Members

to the range until a six month probationary period has been reached.

Any amendment to these Bylaws may be proposed by the Board of Directors or by any Club member in good standing

at any Regular Meeting or Special Meeting of the Club called for the purpose. Any such proposed amendment must be

voted upon by and approved by the Board of Directors and by a quorum of Club members in good standing at a Regular

Meeting or Special Meeting called for the purpose, provided that a copy of the approved amendments has been sent to

each Club member in good standing by electronic mail to those who have provided an electronic mail address, or by

United States mail to those who do not have electronic mail or whose electronic mail was returned, at least ten days prior

to the meeting. A majority vote of the Club members in good standing present at such meeting will be required to adopt

the proposed amendment(s).



Registered Agent of the Corporation:
Barent Parslow


The Blue Ridge Shooters’ Club, Inc. (“BRSC”, “Club”) is a private organization, which strives to maintain a

safe and friendly atmosphere where members can enjoy the shooting sports. Consequently, these rules and regulations

have been developed for all Club members (and guests) to follow when using the range. Failure to follow the safety rules

can lead to dismissal from the range or, upon review by the Board of Directors, expulsion from the Club. 
Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility!

In the event of a medical emergency.

Call 911 immediately!

BRSC’s 911 address is:  2780 South River Road (State Route 608) Vesuvius, Virginia.

Notify a Club officer as promptly as possible, contact information for Club officers is posted at the

Range and at the Clubhouse.

1.  Shooting range hours have been developed as a courtesy to our neighbors and must be obeyed.

Center fire rifle and handgun, shotgun, and black powder hours are…

Eastern Standard Time: 9 AM until 7 PM or sunset (whichever occurs first).
Daylight Savings Time: 9 AM until 8 PM or sunset (whichever occurs first).
Daily shooting range hours for rim fire are sunrise to sunset.
No shooting is allowed after sunset.
Members always have shooting range priority over any guest.
2.  Gate FOBS are not to be used by anyone other than the member in good standing it

was assigned.  Loaning, Lending, or allowing anyone other than the assigned user

of the FOB will result in member disciplinary actions outline in Article 8 of the

BRSC Bylaws.  The entrance emergency gate is to be locked when electric gate is

out of service. Under no conditions may a member divulge the combination of the lock

on the emergency gate to a non-member.
3.  Hunting is not allowed at any time on Club property.
4.  Each member shall be responsible for a minimum of four hours of work on

behalf of the Club each year. You may participate at a scheduled workday or perform

tasks approved by the Board of Directors. Any member who does not performed the

agreed one four-hour workday annually will be charged a fee of $50 on the next years

membership renewal.  Failure to pay fee will result in an incomplete renewal and the member

will not be issued a renewal membership card and the members FOB will be deactivated.

Requests for exceptions to this regulation must be presented in writing to the Board of Directors

at the address above.

5.  After all shooting sessions

a)  members are responsible for cleaning up their spent

ammunition, brass, casings, shells, targets, and trash.

b)  All targets must be removed from the range by the

shooter after use. This includes target bases which will be removed from

the range and stacked neatly in the designated area. 

c)  Do not leave trash on the range.
Note: Only BRASS shell casings are to be put into the Brass Only barrel.

All other shell casings are trash; this includes all plastic/paper shotgun hulls,

all steel cases, and all aluminum cases.

6.   Any member who destroys Club property or willfully leaves trash on the

range will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion

from the Club by the Board of Directors.

7.  Guests and children must be under the direct supervision of a current

Club member. Guests who visit more than six (6) times to shoot within a year

are asked to apply for Club membership.

8.  Members & Guests must display or wear their appropriate

membership cards or Guest Passes.
1.  Follow the three NRA basic safety rules always. 

Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.

Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot. 

Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.

2.  First aid kits are located in the clubhouse and shooting house by the doors.

3.  Consumption of alcoholic beverages or use of drugs, while on the premises is prohibited. Persons under the influence

of alcohol, narcotic stimulants, depressants, or demonstrating impaired behavior of any kind that creates an unsafe

environment, will be prohibited from using the range and reported to the police or Board of Directors.

4.  Eye and ear protection are required on all firing lines including the shooting house, range covers and trap range.  

Each person shall absolve from liability the Club and all members for any eye or ear damage resulting from the failure to

use proper personal protective equipment.  Notify all shooters on the firing line when preparing to shoot.

5.  Follow all Procedures for going downrange (This includes Trap Shooters)

6.  There shall be no horse play at or on the firing line at any time.

Target Requirements and Restrictions: 

a)  All shooting shall be deliberate aimed fire at appropriate targets.

b)  Place all targets so that bullets passing through or adjacent to the targets will hit the berm (earthen backstop).

c)  Do not place targets directly on the ground.

d)  Do not place objects on the tops or bases of the frames.

e)  Do not shoot at or near stanchions, support pipes, buildings or roads.

f)  Repair any frame that you accidentally shoot.

g)  No glass bottles and containers can be used as targets.

Metal Targets May Be Used at BRSC Range for Non-Sanctioned

Events with the Following Restrictions:

a)  Must use only rim fire and handgun center fire ammo

(no center fire rifle ammo allowed).

b)  Non-jacketed ammo recommended.

c)  The target must be placed at the berm.

d)  Target must be used according to manufacturer’s recommendations.

e)  Homemade targets must be at least equivalent to manufactured targets or

targets used in sanctioned shoots.

f)  Targets must be functionally in good repair.

g)  Targets must be shot from a straight on position.

h)  Eye protection required for all at the range where targets are in use.

i)  Metal cans (food grade) may be used as targets if they are placed approximately 3 feet

up on the berm, or on a target stand such that the bullets impact the berm.

Trap Shooters:

a)  Coordinate with 100-yard range so that trap shooting is stopped when people are downrange.

b)  Keep action open at all times until it is your turn to shoot.

c)  Never walk in front of the trap house when throwers are on.

d)  Ensure nobody is in the trap house before starting a round of trap.

e)  Do not pick up empty hulls until the round is complete and put all Hulls in the barrel

located in the Trap Storage House.

f)  Break down all Clay Boxes and place them in the Dumpster after the shoot.

g)  Always turn to your right when changing trap positions.

h)  Never leave the Trap Line until all shooters have completed their rounds.

i)  Always fill the trap machine after you are finished for the day.

Club Shooting Competitions:

a)  Shall be held in accordance with the safety rules and regulations of the

sanctioned match organization.

b)  All competitions held at BRSC are required to have an NRA certified Range Safety Officer present.​

c)  All competitors will be held in strict adherence to the safety procedures as directed

by the Range Safety Officer.

d)  Firearms shall be unloaded until the appropriate command, such as, Load, commence fire, is given.

e)  The command Cease fire! Can be given by anyone in case of an emergency.

f)  At the Cease fire command, all shooters are to stop firing immediately and wait

for further instructions.

g)  The action must be open and the firearm unloaded when moving any firearm

from or to the firing line.

h)The muzzle must be pointed in a safe direction defined as downrange, or, in the

event that the downrange direction is not

clear, the muzzle must be pointed up.

a)  Instructors must be certified by a nationally recognized firearms organization

(such as NRA, Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services, USCCA), be a member in good standing

at BRSC, and approved by the Board of Directors before scheduling any safety or certification class at BRSC.

b)  All classes must be approved by the BRSC Board of Directors and posted on BRSC calendar before class date.

c)  BRSC events, competitions or any other special event will have priority over instructors’ classes.

d)  Instructors will be held to a higher standard of safety, and protocol when conducting classes,

instructing other members, participating in any scheduled event or individual shooting while at BRSC.

Safety or Rules violations committed by Instructors will be scrutinized to that same higher standard

and will be viewed under its own merit under Article 8 of the BRSC Bylaws, BRSC Regulations & Safety

Rules, and the determination of the BRSC Board of Directors.

e)  All instructors will have their students sign a Waiver of Liability located in the clubhouse.

This Waiver will be valid for one (1) year per individual.  All persons participating in class,

instruction, watching or visiting during scheduled class must sign an individual waiver...NO EXCEPTIONS.

f)  All instructors are to act in a professional manner and set a good example of safety

and skill while at BRSC in any capacity.

Strictly prohibited:

a)  50 BMG rifles or any cartridge derived from this design.

b)  Fully automatic firearms, described as any firearm with the capability of firing

more than one round of ammunition with only one squeeze of the trigger.

c)  Tracers or armor piercing ammunition.

d)Exploding Targets or Tannerite

Rules for Novice Shooters:

a)  No more than one round of ammunition in the novice users firearm, once you demonstrated

control of your firearms recoil you may add more cartridges to you magazine or cylinder


a)  Announce a Cease fire (Inform Trap Shooters)

b)  All shooters must acknowledge the cease fire

c)  Firearms must be unloaded, action open and placed on the bench or in a gun rack

d)  Firearms are not to be handled while anyone is downrange

e)  Activate the Down Range Warning System (DRWS)

f)  Proceed downrange and fix targets

g)  Return to the firing line and account for all shooters and non-shooters

h)  Deactivate the Down Range Warning System

i)  Announce firing line is live (Inform Trap Shooters)

 The person who calls for the cease fire is the responsible party to carry out all steps above including turning the

system on and off.

These rules may be revised at any time by the Board of Directors.

 By order of the Board of Directors,
